1. First, verify that your address is in the Davis Hill school area by following this link to street addresses.
2. You may at anytime, visit our school and come to the main office to get this or any information in person. You may also call us at 508-829-1754 and speak to our secretary or you may leave a message anytime.
3. To register your child:
a. Complete a WRSD registration packet. This can be printed on line and completed before coming in, or you may pick one up at our main office anytime. link to the registration packet is below:
Click to download Kindergarten Registration Form
Below is the CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) that is required to be filled out to be allowed to volunteer in school or on a field trip. Please fill one out and bring it, with a copy of your driver's license, to the main office.
b. As part of registering a child who has attended another school out of our district, you must sign a release form to have your child’s school records to be sent to us. Most often that is done at your child’s previous school. You will also need a birth certificate, proof of residency, and all health information including that all vaccinations are up to date.
c. You will be asked to create an account with the District by logging onto a site called PowerSchool. It is through this web site that you may view and track your child’s grades, attendance, sign your child's Student Handbook, and have access to other important school and district information.
d. When you register at our school you will be asked about your child’s educational needs. You will need to inform us if there is a special education plan in place, does she/he have a 504 plan, do you qualify for a free or reduced lunch, does your child require speech or OT/PT support?
e. You will be asked to fill us in on any medical needs your child has that affect his/her safety here in school. Are there any life threatening allergies or medical conditions that we need to prepare for?
f. Once all of the paperwork has been completed your child will be placed by the principal into the most appropriate classroom meeting his/her needs.
g. You are welcome at any time to call and request a tour or a meeting with the principal. Call our secretary at 508-829-1754.