Welcome to davis hill elementary

Dear Davis Hill Community,

Welcome to Davis Hill Elementary School.  Davis Hill is a special place that has a strong connection with the community it serves and a spirit where students, families and staff work together in order to create an atmosphere that is caring and nurturing.  We embrace the belief that it takes a community effort in order to fulfill Davis Hill’s mission and promote our values of Pride, Respect, Responsibility and Excellence. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment where students are able to engage in a variety of activities that advance the acquisition of knowledge, as well as further social, communication and problem solving skills.

Davis Hill is attended by over 435 students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Our Mission Statement and core values of Pride, Respect, Responsibility and Excellence provide the foundation for our educational program. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum is aligned to the Common Core and is focused on balanced literacy, numeracy, critical thinking and problem solving skills. We strive to provide differentiated instruction in order to meet student needs and consistently monitor student progress through a variety of formative and common assessment practices.

Davis Hill is fortunate to have a strong PTA that supports outstanding enrichment opportunities that are connected to the curriculum.  Additionally, the PTA is instrumental in providing our community with a variety of family centered evening activities that help to bring our community together. These activities include the Trunk or Treat, Holiday Fair and the Dragon Dash.

If you are seeking information about registering your child for school, please contact our secretary Tara Slavin at [email protected] or 508.829.1754 Ext: 102.


Open communication is critical to the success of our school community. Please see the link below to the Community Update for general information about the happenings at Davis Hill. Additionally, please feel free to contact me at any time with questions/ concerns. I can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone at 508.829.1754 Ext: 104.


Jay C. Norton, Principal


Enrollment Forms/ Registration Packets
Volunteer at Friends of the Davis Hill Library!


Davis Hill Dragons